Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Ecological Footprint 1st result

Ecological Footprint Results

Wow!, that was my first reaction after receiving my ecological footprint quiz results. I was shocked, the quiz stated that we would need 5.69 earths for everyone to live the way I currently do. Before taking this quiz I honestly believed that I participated in far more green activities then the average American. Boy was I proven wrong, according to my results which are shown bellow I am almost dead average in comparison to everyone else, in every category but housing.

The category that surprised me the most was my carbon footprint. I may have exaggerated the amount of miles I drive per year but I honestly never drive my car long distance without at least more then one person in it and I walk to school every day. I think that short walk everyday made me feel like I was doing more, when in reality I wasn't really improving my footprint by that much.

In order to reduce my Ecological footprint I plan on doing 3 things,
1. Buy products with less waste, in doing so produce less trash.
2. Buy power strips and unplug them every night and when I leave to go home.
3. Cut down on the amount of time my car, I will not drive on Mondays and Tuesdays.

I believe that by doing these things i will be able to reduce my personal waste and that of my household as a whole. Now lets see if I can get down to at least 3 Earths!

1 comment:

  1. Geoff -- your goals are reasonable, but you need to make them more specific. Can you commit to buying bulk products (no packaging) or some product category? Amount of time your car is running? You mean idling? Can you commit to "no-car" days? Buy a power strip and get your roommates to do the same! Good luck! 50/50 points
