A Green Cloud?
A huge 20 year agreement has recently been made by Microsoft and a wind farm in pilot Hill, Illinois. The idea behind it, make one of Microsoft biggest data centers green. Cloud data despite all of its convince tends to confuse consumers to where exactly their information is stored. The truth is, it is stored in a huge data facility full of servers. These servers of course use immense amounts of energy and also require even more energy too keep them at a cool temp. The result is the often a very costly and unsustainable business.
which is current in a transition to becoming a more sustainable company believes
the solution is to team up with as many alternative energy companies as possible.
Doing this they believe that cloud data will not only become more green but to
also improve their infrastructure. This is a sort of trend for a company that
in the last two years has invested millions into power infrastructure systems.
Everything from greener backup generators that run on natural gas and biodiesel
to more efficient fuel cell designs, which could be used to power neighborhoods
at 1/10 of the cost and 1/10 of the size.
If one thing is clear though Microsoft isn't doing this because its necessary better for the environment, while
that is an added plus, rather they are seeing a stable and reasonable prices coming
from green power. From an economic standpoint any reduction in risk is
considered a positive and Microsoft a company that runs on energy sees the
potential in sustainable energy because of this.
Link: http://www.dailytech.com/To+the+Cloud+Microsoft+Signs+20Year+Contract+for+175+MW+of+Wind+Power/article36221.htm
Link: http://www.dailytech.com/To+the+Cloud+Microsoft+Signs+20Year+Contract+for+175+MW+of+Wind+Power/article36221.htm